success stories
Silva students share their unique experiences
Discover how the Silva Method has had a profound impact on the lives of our students. Here are some of their inspiring stories:
Ελέγχοντας το Άγχος και τις κακές συνήθεις
Η μέθοδος Σίλβα με άλλαξε. Ήμουν χρόνια καπνίστρια και μια μέρα αποφάσισα πως εκείνη θα ήταν η τελευταία και έτσι έγινε.
Με την μέθοδο Σίλβα, έμαθα να ελέγχω το άγχος μου, τις σκέψεις μου και να οραματίζω τους στόχους μου. Έχω μάθει μνημονικές τεχνικές και τρόπους για να ελέγχω το κοινωνικό μου άγχος.
Αρκετές από τις τεχνικές που έμαθα τις χρησιμοποιώ στην καθημερινή μου ζωή και με βοηθούν σε όλους τους τομείς της ζωής μου.
Δεν είναι απλά τρόποι, είναι ένας διαφορετικός και μοναδικός τρόπος ζωής.
Ενίσχυση της Δημιουργικότητας και της Αποφασιστικότητας με την χρήση τεχνικών Σίλβα
Η Μέθοδος Σίλβα, με βοήθησε να ξυπνάω χωρίς ξυπνητήρι και βοήθησε να χαλαρώνω μετά από κουραστική μέρα, μπαίνοντας στο επίπεδο Α. Μου ξεκλείδωσε την φαντασία μου και την δημιουργικότητα μου, επίσης με βοήθησε να βάζω τις σκέψεις μου σε σειρά με το νοητικό ξεκαθάρισμα και πλέων νιώθω πιο σίγουρος για τις ιδέες και τις αποφάσεις μου.
Επιπλέων, μου έδωσε την ώθηση με την τεχνική του καθρέφτη του νου, να ξεκινήσω ξανά το μονόζυγο, όπου δυσκολευόμουν για αρκετό καιρό να κάνω αυτό το βήμα.
Την τεχνική των τριών δακτύλων την χρησιμοποιώ καθημερινά, και με βοήθησε στο αποδοτικότερο διάβασμα των βιβλίων μου και επιπλέων με βοηθάει να βρίσκω καθημερινά πάρκινγκ!
Ξεκούραστο Ξύπνημα & Ανακάλυψη του Εαυτού στο Σύμπαν
Η μέθοδος με βοήθησε να ξυπνώ πιο ξεκούραστη και χωρίς ξυπνητήρι. Επίσης, στην διαχείρηση πόνου έπειτα από επέμβαση, και στην κατανόηση της θέσης μου στο σύμπαν. Το νοηικό ξεκαθάρισμα με βοηθάει καθημερινά να έχω μια πιο θετική εικόνα για την ζωή.
Χαλάρωση Καθημερινά και Αναζήτηση Λύσεων με Νερό και Εργαστήρι
Με την μέθοδο, έχω την ευκαιρία να χαλαρώνω καθημερινά, καθώς μπαίνω στο επίπεδο Α με ευκολία. Η τεχνική με το νερό και το εργαστήρι με βοήθησαν σε διάφορα διλήμματα που είχα.
Amazing Water Birth!
I would like to announce the birth of our perfect liitle baby girl! It was an amazing water birth, the active labour was just under 2 hours, and out of that time 37 minutes were the third stage (birthing of the placenta). I used the alpha sound to focus and stay at the level of relaxation that i needed at the early stages of labour in the birth centre.
I practiced the breathing and entering into a deep level of relaxation and visualization (i created a “place” in my mind where i was in a big pool of water, and my guide was giving me the “potion” with endorphins to relieve the “pain”) week prior to birth.
I feel so happy, health and energized, and i am so very thankful that i had the opportunity to attend The Silva Method course, it helped me to achieve the birth experience that i desired so much
How my Boys use the Silva Method
I would like to share with you another success story about my two boys S and M. S passed his GCSE’s and got into the college that he wanted by using the visualization technique The Mirror of the Mind. S is able to program his final outcome and can raise funds to get the things that he needs. Like the Law of attraction.
And M…wow. He has joined a dance group in March, performed his own dance Solo at the performance at the Beck Theatre in June, moved up a level in his subjects, got 5A’s, 4 B’s and 2 C’s, auditioned for the senior squad, and got through to do further competitions throughout the year with the dance group.
Now here is the extra factor – he filled in an application for the SKY TV production “Got to Dance”. He was supposed to do a 2 min audition and made him dance for 5 mins. We await his results to the next quarter finals. All of this was done through the visualization technique. I also showed them the water technique which they laughed at but loved it! We have fun using these methods at home, which changes dynamics in the home and our environment
Getting my Dream Job
I would like to thank you for these amazing two days! You are an excellent presenter and you really made an impact on the people who attended the course.
Just to let you know, that I had applied for a role with Burbery two weeks ago and I had completely forgotten about it when they called this morning and announced me that they want to interview me!
I am over the moon! I am really excited because I was visualising me getting my dream job during the SM course. I do have to visualise as much as I can now!!! If you have time visualise me actually getting the job, please, please!!!!!! It is so powerful to be able to change other people’s lives and you have this gift!
Hope you have a great day and fingers crossed!!!!!
Faith+desire+belief+certainty= Personal succcess!!!!
The Hollywood dream
I’m working in Hollywood often- which is why I ever learned to speak English, I always had the “Hollywood” dream- which became reality!
So every dream I have, every goal I put my energy into, I meditate on, simply by using the Alpha level on every day basis and The Silva Method has transformed my life- I would like to thank you for it, Costas
The Pain in my Knees Disappeared
I want to thank you for the wonderful SLS + SIS course! Fantastic! Out of this world! Such a pleasure and privilege!
After the first day of the seminar the pain in my knees disappeared (I injured my knees a couple of weeks ago). I guess that kept me going for the following days.
I also found myself in deep silence, something that I really appreciate.
The class helped me consolidate certain things related to my personal spirituality that I hadn’t been paying enough attention.
As about my purpose in life, such a complex and subtle thing put in a very simple and direct manner: to become an winged angel.
Heavenly nuts! That is definitely an acquired taste :)))
So many wonderful people! Such a vibration! The end brought tears to my eyes (I would’ve probably cried if there hadn’t been any ladies around 🙂
Making spirituality happen without really talking about it! Humbled and speechless …
My deepest appreciation!
Read more about The Silva Method.